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Alchemy 2024 Mutant Vehicle Registration form

This form is for Mutant Vehicle Registration Not for Flame Art or other registered art - For other art, please use the correct registration form

This form is for Mutant Vehicle Registration Not for Flame Art or other registered art - For other art, please use the correct registration form

Full Name

Preferred/Burner Name


Email address

Phone number

Preferred contact method

Are you open camping or camping with a theme camp?, if so what theme camp? [we want to know where you will be on site, incase we need to contact you]

What is the name of your mutant vehicle? (we need to know what to call it)

How big is your Mutant Vehicle [length, width, height - in feet (example = 1ft long x 2 ft wide x 3ft tall)]

In a perfect world, when not in use, where would you like for your mutant vehicle to rest/ where is its home/ where will it be parked? (in a theme camp? which theme camp? in an art garden with other art? something else?)

Does your mutant vehicle have any other requirements or needs or wants, if so please tell us about them (Example - I would like my mutant vehicle to help with shuttling - how can I help with that?)

Describe your Mutant Vehicle for us - tell us everything about it here

If you have a picture of your mutant vehicle, please share it with us below.

Public facing art description (please describe your mutant vehicle to our participants - (we will publish this description, keep it short & PG)

Mutant vehicles must meet certain criteria and safety requirements (A significant creative element in design, working breaks, Lights [if operating after dark], Obeying speed limits, and not operating the vehicle while intoxicated) and they must be inspected by our DMV team lead or designate (department of mutant vehicles). I will insure that my Mutant Vehicle meets those criteria and safety requirements and contact the DMV lead before operating my Mutant vehicle on site. (The DMV lead can be reached at ART HQ in Centercamp, or by Radio). I must display the DMV sticker openly on my mutant vehicle, which I will receive from the DMV lead after inspection.

Mutant vehicles must meet certain criteria and safety requirements (A significant creative element in design, working breaks, Lights [if operating after dark], Obeying speed limits, and not operating the vehicle while intoxicated) and they must be inspected by our DMV team lead or designate (department of mutant vehicles). I will insure that my Mutant Vehicle meets those criteria and safety requirements and contact the DMV lead before operating my Mutant vehicle on site. (The DMV lead can be reached at ART HQ in Centercamp, or by Radio). I must display the DMV sticker openly on my mutant vehicle, which I will receive from the DMV lead after inspection.

How long do you need to set up your mutant vehicle? (in hours please)

Will you need early entry for your set up?, and if so how many people will you need early entry for?

If my mutant vehicle has a flame effect, I must register that flame effect separately in the correct form.

If my mutant vehicle has a flame effect, I must register that flame effect separately in the correct form.

I understand that if I am allowed to set up for early entry that entry is granted for the purpose of setting up my art, it is not for getting my party started early. If I arrive early, I will set up my art and necessities, and not use the extra time in a way that it is not intended to be used.

I understand that if I am allowed to set up for early entry that entry is granted for the purpose of setting up my art, it is not for getting my party started early. If I arrive early, I will set up my art and necessities, and not use the extra time in a way that it is not intended to be used.

Anthing else you want to tell us about your mutant vehicle?

If you have any questions, concerns, or need help, please contact our DMV Team at: [email protected] or while at the event, come to centercamp and ask for DMV at Art HQ.

If you have any questions, concerns, or need help, please contact our DMV Team at: [email protected] or while at the event, come to centercamp and ask for DMV at Art HQ.